One of my best Friends i met in this whole Symbian Scene from around the World has definitely been Marty Britton. Marty is also known as Marty3 at Symbian Freak, one of the most relaxed and talented Guys i have seen in a long Time! His Invitation to Nokia World 2007 gave Marty the Attention he needed .. And WOM World gave him a N82 to play around with .. ;) The Result of this is a HUGE 7 Page Review, going through EVERY Detail of this Device.
He thinks, the N82 is not the perfect Phone, as everyone has his own different Styles and Tastes, he also discovered some Downsides, like a very bad D-Pad, but he's sure most of the Problems and Bugs are gonna be improved with Future Firmware Updates. He also calls the N82 definitely the Nokia Photography Flagship, giving some nice Comparison Pictures with the Nokia N95. But overall you can feel that Marty has become good Friends with the Device, using it to the Fullest and he loves it! Looking at the Pictures i can tell, that the N82 does indeed better Shots, especially in poor Light Conditions, the Xenon Flash does an awesome Job, it seems like poor Light Macros with white "Flash Spots" are over .. :)
Awesome Job Martyn, keep your great Work up!!